Corporate Ethics
and Action Guideline

All managers and employees shall hold high ethical standards;
comply with the laws, company rules,
and social norms; act in good faith at all times;
and contribute to the development of society as a whole.

Conduct policy

  • We shall respect basic human rights and create a healthy and safe work environment.

  • We shall respect basic human rights as well as the privacy and individuality of the people and accept diverse values.
    We shall not engage in discriminatory behavior, such as those based on race, religion, gender, nationality, physical or mental disability, age, pregnancy, sexual orientation, etc.
    We shall also not engage in violence, workplace bullying, harassment, child labor, forced labor, or unwarranted coercion using our position in the workplace or trade.

  • Employees have the right to establish, join, and operate a trade union of their own choosing to negotiate collectively with the company on behalf of the employees.

  • Working hours, including overtime work, must not exceed 60 hours per week.
    Furthermore, we shall take at least one holiday every seven days and comply with this rule.

  • We shall not offer benefits of any form, whether they be compensation, entertainment, gifts, or other items of value; directly or indirectly; or against the laws and sound business practices to government officials, politicians, candidates for public office, political organizations, foreign public officials, etc.

  • We shall disclose corporate information in an appropriate and timely manner to strive to improve communication with our stakeholders.

  • We place the greatest emphasis on ensuring good corporate governance in our business.

  • We shall cut off all relations with antisocial activities and forces and commit to taking a resolute stance against them.
    We shall respect fair, transparent, and free competition and conduct appropriate and sound dealings.

  • We shall recognize environmental conservation as an important issue for society as a whole and take an active stance on the issue in accordance with our environmental philosophy and policies.

  • We shall actively engage in social contribution activities to realize an enriched society.

  • We shall recognize the importance of all information assets, including information on companies and individuals, and take an active approach to ensure our safety and reliability in accordance with our basic policy and guidelines on information security.

  • Management shall recognize its role to embody the spirit of this guideline and set an example worth following by thoroughly implementing the guidelines within the company as well as informing our group companies and business relations of these guidelines.

  • In the event of any violation of these guidelines, the management shall initiate to make efforts to resolve the problem and prevent its recurrence.
    Management shall then verify the authority and responsibility and take strict measures to punish those involved, including himself/herself.