With a longstanding history of operating factories overseas, we have an extensive network of overseas contractors in addition to our factories in the Philippines and China. We pride ourselves on our ability to fulfill the needs of our customers with careful attention to detail. Furthermore, we have actively transferred our technology in molds to our overseas bases from the start. Essentially all of the overseas factories have maintained the level and system of technology to produce the molds in-house, which allows the stable supply of products that are of Japan-quality.

The Group has systemized an integrated production framework covering the processes from mold design and mold production to metal pressing, precious metal plating, and injection molding. We have also established a one-stop system to accomocate customer requests in Japan and overseas, making it possible to deliver high-quality, ultra-precision parts to customers in short delivery times and large quantities.

Moreover, in order to realize a sustainable society, we are actively working on the development of next-generation technologies for decarbonization. We are currently conducting research and development as part of the industry-government-academia collaboration project with Yamanashi Prefecture and the University of Yamanashi on key components of hydrogen fuel cells (new separators for polymer electrolyte fuel cells), which are considered to be the next-generation energy source.